Ein Wiener Walzer – Song and Lyrics by Adiemus

Discover the poetic beauty in ‘Ein Wiener Walzer’ by Adiemus. This lyric breakdown takes you on a journey through the artist’s thoughts, emotions, and the story they aim to tell. From clever metaphors to evocative imagery, we delve into the nuances that make this song a lyrical masterpiece. Whether you’re a fan of Adiemus or a lover of well-crafted words, our detailed analysis will give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of this song.

Miriam solo:
Pa-pa (8x)
With others:
hum paa pa (16x)

Song & Pamela:
A-ma a-ma
a-ma-sa doo-sa (2x this line)
a-ma-sa doo-sa da
a-ma a-ma
a-ma-sa doo-sa (2x this line)
a-ma-sa doo-sa da
a-ma-sa doo-sa
a-ma-sa doo_____________
A-ma a-ma
a-ma-sa doo-sa (2x this line)
a-ma-sa doo-sa da
a-ma a-ma
a-ma-sa doo-sa (2x this line)
a-ma-sa doo-sa da

a-ma-sa ra-ba-ka____(2x this line) Chorus:
a__ma-sa____ (2x)
a-ma-sa ra-ba-ka
a-ma-sa ra-ba-ka_____(2x this line)
a__ma-sa____ (2x)
a-ma-sa ba va___________

A-ma a-ma
a-ma-sa doo-sa (2x this line)
a-ma-sa doo-sa da
a-ma a-ma
a-ma-sa doo-sa (2x this line)
a-ma-sa doo-sa da

A-ma-sa a-ma-sa
a-ma-sa doo-sa
a-ma-sa doo-sa
ra ka ka ra ka ka ra ka ka ra (2x this line)

ka-ma-ke-ra-za-we u-ku-ma ka-ma-ke-ra-za (4x this)

a-ma a-ma
a-ma-sa doo-sa (2x this line)
a-ma-sa doo-sa da
a-ma a-ma
a-ma-sa doo-sa (2x this line)
a-ma-sa doo-sa da

A-ma-sa__ ra-ba-ka____ (2x)
a____ma-sa____ (2x)
a-ma-sa___ ra-ba-ka
a-ma-sa__ ra-ba-ka____ (2x)
A____ma-sa____ (2x)
A-ma-sa ba va_________
Orchestral interlude,then

All (divided, a ba ya coo ya poo a a ke ya____ repeat this
with nasal A_____a___a____a__________ section
15 times,then:
a ba ya coo ya poo a ba

A-ma a-ma strin-
a-ma a-ma gen-
a-ma a-ma do
a-ma ra to-
A-ma a-ma wards
a-ma a-ma the
a-ma a-ma ra
A-ma a-ma a-ma ra! end!!