Good Enough – Song and Lyrics by 8stops7


Discover the poetic beauty in ‘Good Enough’ by 8stops7. This lyric breakdown takes you on a journey through the artist’s thoughts, emotions, and the story they aim to tell. From clever metaphors to evocative imagery, we delve into the nuances that make this song a lyrical masterpiece. Whether you’re a fan of 8stops7 or a lover of well-crafted words, our detailed analysis will give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of this song.

You don’t want to know
But that won’t stop me from showing

For nights I drank too much
And words exchanged in the morning
For always pushing my luck
Expecting you to keep waiting

I want to be faithful
But as far as I can tell
I’m not doing so well…thus far
But maybe tomorrow
You’ll wake up to find out
If I’m not good enough for now
I’m good enough to wait for you

What have you been told
What are you so afraid of
Should I be so bold
And ask where that one came from

Can I be read my rights
Before you put me on trial
My past offense precedes my name