Infinity – Song and Lyrics by Agent Steel


Duration: 5:08

Discover the poetic beauty in ‘Infinity’ by Agent Steel. This lyric breakdown takes you on a journey through the artist’s thoughts, emotions, and the story they aim to tell. From clever metaphors to evocative imagery, we delve into the nuances that make this song a lyrical masterpiece. Whether you’re a fan of Agent Steel or a lover of well-crafted words, our detailed analysis will give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of this song.

Our time keeps us measured
Not enough of the gifts we treasure
Can’t stop we keep pushing forward
Stare straight through the future

Constant therefore unnerving
A secret worth preserving
Eyes shut won’t end the madness
Or guarantee survival

Time, time (shut)
Mouth shut but the words keep coming
Eyes shut yet we still march forward

Into infinity

What lives beyond our vision
In this the eternal question
Though men claim to have the answer
I’m unsure of heaven

So trust what I see before me
Believe what is proven to me
Skies filled with our fathers watching
Waiting just beyond our time

Time, time (shut)
Mouth shut but the words keep coming
Eyes shut yet we still march forward

Into infinity

When time no longer exists
When truth won’t let you resist
When gods are revealed unto you
Embrace them and call them father
Knowledge may be cruel and cold than
Better than your ignorance
Nothing can prepare you for your journey

Into infinity