Electronic Pianos Vs. Real Pianos: The Advantages of Owning a Digital Piano
Although a digital piano will perhaps never match the real thing, there are certainly advantages to owning a digital model.
In the eyes of some, a digital piano is verging on sacrilegious. It must be said, the construction of a digital piano cannot compare with the workmanship involved in building a real piano. Moreover, the aesthetic appeal of a real piano is unmatchable and, perhaps more importantly, digital pianos cannot replicate the sound and dynamics of the real thing.
However, there are many advantages to owning an electronic piano and for some budding pianists the digital piano may be the best option.
Related: 13 Types Of Pianos and Their Uses
Practical Benefits
- For many beginners, owning a real piano, whether horizontal or vertical, is out of their price ranges. Typically, a digital piano is much more affordable. Of course, some of the more sophisticated models are more expensive. However, a good quality electronic piano is generally more affordable.
- Another problem for many would-be piano owners is that they do not have the space for a real piano. Not only is a digital piano smaller, but it is also portable, making it possible to own a piano in a small home.
- Unfortunately, buying a real piano is not the end of the expense. A piano needs constant and regular maintenance. Depending on the amount of use the instrument gets, regular tuning can become very expensive. Additionally, to keep a piano in good condition it should be kept in a position that is not close to a source of heat and in a room that will not became neither cold nor damp. Obviously, all of these considerations are eliminated by owning a digital piano.
Technical Benefits
- Digital pianos have many features that are beneficial to learning pianists. Volume control is particularly useful for those who live in apartments or do not want to disturb other members of the household
- In addition, record and playback features can be very advantageous to a beginner, as it offers the opportunity to note mistakes and observe progress. However, not all digital pianos provide this feature, which is something that should be considered during purchase.
- Although most digital pianos cannot replicate the dynamics of a real piano, attempts have been made to achieve this feature. Unfortunately, thus far, it is the more sophisticated, and therefore more expensive, models that include this technology.
Of course, if money and space are no object, then the ideal is to have a beautiful real piano. However, this is not the case for the vast majority of people. Therefore, having access to an instrument is the important thing. For anybody who wants to own a piano, a digital model is a perfect alternative and, in some ways, an electronic piano has advantages over the real thing.