barney songs

Top 10 Barney Songs

Everyone’s favorite Dinosaur in purple, join Barney and his friends on a range of adventures, songs, games and for some fun dancing!

1. Do What The Duckies Do

Join Barney and friends explore a day out with the Ducks! The duck dance is a great way to keep your kids engaged and moving on a sunny day!

2. Barney; Let’s Play School

Who said school should be boring? Here Barney and kids show you that school doesn’t have to be all bad!

3. Walk Around The Block With Barney Theme

The purple dinosaur and friends having great fun with the locals! If you have a Saturday prepped for shopping, get your kids dressed to this!

4. Barney: What A World We Share

What a world we definitely share, this song is great for a cultural appreciation day for your kids to learn about other cultures with this fun dance!

5. The More We Get Together

This song is one of parents’ favorites, and serves great as a prosocial song engaging all kids in class, at birthday parties or at home.

6. B-I-N-G-O

Old MacDonald had a farm, and he also had a dog called Bingo!! This is the song dedicated to the coolest dog ever!

7. I Love You

The Barney song we all know and love, used mainly in class as an end of year song, this song can be played at any time and even the older kids sing along!

8. Wheels On The Bus

A nursery rhyme existing since the 90’s, this is Barney’s take on “The Wheels On The Bus”. A repetitive and catchy song sung across the globe due to its simple lyrics, “The Wheels On The Bus” is a song every kid enjoys singing along to.

9. Shake Your Dino Tail!

They look like the coolest kids on the block! If this does not make your partner as well your kid wants to jump around and go crazy then we don’t know what will!

10. If I Lived Under The Sea

Great way to test the knowledge of the preschoolers, how many different types of animals under the sea!

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