bee gees songs

Top 10 Bee Gees’ Songs

The group is formed by three brothers as Robin and Maurice are twins, and Barry is their older brother. They create a huge success by writing, producing, and singing popular disco hits of the ‘70s. Let’s take a look at the top 10 songs of this classic disco band.

#10. Jive Talkin’

This song was such a huge disco hit by Bee Gees. 

#9. Alone

A taste of ‘50s in an R&B song was not what Bee Gees planned when they were writing this song. But sometimes coincidences can bring miracles.  

#8. Massachusetts

‘70s trend hippie culture was based on California. Bee Gees put a new perspective for flower-children that Massachusetts might be trendy as well. 

#7. I Started A Joke

The song was also covered fort he film “Suicide Squad.” This song is full of hyperbolism, which touches the very foundation of our real lives. A very touching and thought generating track.

#6. Immortality

The song was written by Bee Gees, but first, it was recorded by Celine Dion. A year after her performance, Bee Gees also included the song on their album. Both recordings have a different taste, but this one is coming from Bee Gees:

#5. You Win Again

This one is a huge hit of the time, and it became a center of attention quickly. Behind the success of the song, the hard-working and detail-oriented side of the group lies, as they even the editing of the song took a month.

#4. Night Fever

When Bee Gees asked to write a song for a film called “Saturday Night,” they wanted to use a song that they already made: “Night Fever.” And that is how the cult film “Saturday Night Fever” was named. Both the song and the movie are classics.

#3. Too Much Heaven

The song was also one of the favorite songs of the band. I think we agree! 

#2. How Deep Is Your Love

This highly covered song is such a timeless hit from the ‘70s.


#1. Stayin’ Alive

The soundtrack of the blockbuster movie “Saturday Night Fever” starring John Travolta. It was a real hit of the time. Feel the spirit of the early ‘70s.


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